
• Data capture from various sources, e.g. MFP, desktop clients, accessible files, email and FTP servers
• “Document Navigator embedded” for indexing via the bizhub panel and authentication-based access to workflows on user level
• Easy and reliable document indexing with multiple keywords/ meta-data options
• Direct interfaces to numerous target destinations, including SQL databases, FTP servers, ERP and document management systems


• OCR text recognition for text extraction from electronic or paper documents
• Automatic conversion into a wide range of electronic formats including Word, Excel, PDF, sPDF, JPEG, TIFF, XML, PDF/A
• Automatic image enhancement and electronic stamping
• Barcode recognition for automated document routing
• OMR, optical mark-up recognition, e.g. for reading-out of surveys, etc. FreeForm recognition, e.g. for easy recognition of different suppliers’ mandatory fields


• Easy forwarding of digital documents directly from the bizhub to any internal or external email address, e.g. from the company’s corporate active directory or LDAP address book
• Delivery of scans to any network location
• Direct uploading of scanned documents to an FTP server Connector to ERP/DMS/CRM environments: SharePoint, DocuWare, Windream, etc.